Jeff Stahler had a cartoon in the paper the other day.
It showed two guys talking. One guy says "I'm all for change."
In the next breath he added, "As long as it doesn't disturb the status quo."
That's funny!
And it got me thinking.
Occasionally during my sales training programs I will toss out this question to the group. "How many of you consider yourselves to be risk takers?"
Guess what - almost all the hands go up.
I then ask everybody to gather all their belongings and move to a new seat.
It's like a deer being surrounded by headlights - for some it's almost a panic attack.
Why would moving to a different seat cause such fear and panic?
Right - there's the risk of the unknown.
It's like the guy who says, "I'm all for change."
Saying you're all for change is not the same as being eager or even willing to change.
For the most part nothing new happens in the status quo - youg otta remember this.
I'd like to give you, what I believe is a good question to stimulate your thinking about change.
Change is good. Change is certainly better than the status quo.
If not for change I'd have two horses and a buggy in my garage instead of two cars.
Here's the question you should ask throughout every selling day.
"How can I do it better?" It's a great question that forces you to consider making minor adjustments in the way you sell.
Now you can say, "I'm all for change - as long as it involves making minor adjustments."
Ready set change!
Let's go sell something . . .
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